Frequently Asked Questions

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What exactly is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state—also referred to as “trance”—in which your body is more relaxed, and your mind is more open to positive suggestion.

You’re in and out of this state all day. By accessing this state, you can make positive change.

Is hypnosis like…mind control?

Although the media portrayals of hypnosis imply this, nothing could be further from the truth. The reverse is true.

Hypnosis actually helps you take control back over your mind.

If you ever felt like your autopilot reactions to things aren’t aligned with who you want to be, this will be remarkable helpful for you.

You are always in control in sessions. You’re the one doing the work in your own mind, so you’re the one making the changes. I’m simply facilitating.

Your mind has the answers; we just need to ask the right questions. You’re letting go of unconscious issues that have been running in the background of your life.

All the processes are collaborative efforts between me and you.

What does hypnosis feel like?

It depends on you! Some people feel deeply relaxed and grounded like they do in meditation, others feel like they’re light and floaty, others feel like they just have their eyes closed and are paying close attention.

There’s no particular feeling associated with hypnosis and each time you might experience something different.

Other processes don’t require trance at all.

What is NLP?

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) was created after studying the most successful therapists and hypnotherapists in the world.

It models how you can make rapid changes by reprogramming your mind through language.

To give you a simple example. A phobia typically gets stored in the mind as a mental movie. Each time someone with a phobia even thinks about the thing they’re afraid of, the mental movie pops up unconsciously. Even if it’s not currently happening, the body responds as though it is.

Through NLP, we find the mental movie and change it so it’s less scary.

When the mental construct is different, the body can do the thing it was once afraid of.

How is this different from talk therapy?

Talk therapy mostly uses your conscious mind. It can help you understanding how, why, and where certain issues stem from and how to shift your behavior to manage.

However, talk therapy can often activate issues. If you’re retelling a traumatic story, trying to make sense of it, and you tell it from a first-person perspective, you run the risk of flooding yourself with the same emotions and feelings as though it’s still happening.

With hypnosis and NLP, you will not be asked to retell or relive a traumatic experience. You will take a different perspective—a higher up perspective—so you’ll be able to let go of the emotional charge and find new understandings in order to be able to finally move past it.

Talk therapy can be activating. Our goal is to deactivate.

What can I expect to experience with working with you?

Almost 100% of my clients have mentioned they feel lighter after their sessions—like a burden has been lifted. You tend to feel a greater sense of well-being and gain valuable insights about yourself. Less inner conflict, a sense of peace, and forgiveness/compassion for the past are also common. You may also feel more connected to yourself.

Other clients have said that some sessions were the most defining moments in their lives because they uncovered and let go of things that simply couldn’t access before.

A recent client said her anxiety and depression were completely gone after going through my 8-week program. She also manifested a random 5k in the first week of the program. Another client let go of a looping traumatic memory that had been plaguing her for 10+ years.

We focus on what matters to you.

Clients have been able to move forward in life with confidence after years of feeling stuck. After 3 sessions, one client gently ended a toxic relationship with love and moved to a place she always dreamed about living as a kid. Clients have also reported better connections with their partners because they’re no longer triggered (and their Higher Power too).

Each session is designed to help you let go of the things in the way of you feeling whole and complete.